Sunday, March 30, 2008

For music lovers:

For those of you who don't know - I work in a flower shop - more specifically an artistic flower shop. Sometimes I get interesting requests, one recent request involved purchasing a a gutair and and accenting it for a memoral to someone who loved bluegrass music - can you see the symbolism?

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Bloomin' Eggs

Those crazy eggs are blooming everywhere....

in the pear tree

... in the grape arbor...

They have even taken to nesting like birds...

ahhhh... how fun holidays are through the eyes of a child.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Tip-toe through the tulips....

...the daffodils, that is.

I enjoy so much the begining of spring - the light, the new growth, etc.

(btw - these beautiful daffies can be seen in my moms garden - the pic was taken duriing the Sunday afternoon Easter Egg hunt)

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Getting Started -

Have you ever noticed that sometimes the hardest part of a new project or a new job or, well anything for that matter, is getting started. I find that, for myself, that is always the hurdle. I can remember (way back when) I decided to open up a retail business the idea of it was daunting - I mean - come on, who leaves a perfectly good job to jump into the unknown land of a retail business? Appearently, I do. But I think that God knew what He was doing as He led me down that path - He didn't give me time to overthink or worry about the day to day life of a small business owner - but orchestrated things in such a way that from the time I decied to 'jump' to the moment of being 'open for business' was a grand total of 3 months - YIKES!

Anyway - I ramble...

So here it is - the official start of a blog. I can't say that I ever thought that I would be one to Blog - but then, that's what I hear a lot of people say. And as I have a number of blogs I enjoy reading - I felt it was unfair to always be the reader and never the writer. (chuckle)

So there you have it - my adventure into Blogland.

See you here!