Wednesday, April 30, 2008

It's May

So with May comes the beginning of Prom season... now when I was in school we only had 1 choice of style for the corsage .... See below for the more Artistic form corsages have taken - all of them are on a gold or silver wire bracelet....
orchids with a stylish center...
Cute daisy!

below: a mini gerdber daisy with monte casino and clear crystals

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Your wish is my comand...

Several of you asked that I post some pics of the basktball arrangements... well, I forgot to take pictures :( I kept thinking, I know exactly what they looked like - if only I could download the pictures in my head.....

So after several attempts, I think I was able to get them out of my head, converted to digital and uploaded to my blog.

Hope you enjoy!

Monday, April 28, 2008

I'm so jealous-

of my husband. He just returned from a 10 day missions trip to Prague. This is one of the shots he took of Prague Castle. (The Gothic spires you see in the background are actually part of a Gothic Cathedral that took 1,000 years to complete. they have found foundation stones with dates from the 10 hundreds) Prague is one of the places that a couple of my friends and I were planning to go a few years ago - but opted for London instead. After makeing that decision switch, I found out from a relative that Prague is one of the places I should go before I die. *sigh* That's twice I've missed the opportunity. I WILL go to Prague one day - just not this year. As my husband was showing me pics yesterday I found it interesting that the city has great examples of premier building styles from the medieval times to Gothic to Art Nouvex and so forth.

I am jealous.

But for now I will completely enjoy the photos he took and the stories he is sharing. Now to be fair he was on a construction missions trip - and since I don't know anything about construction - I would have been of little help. But truly I am excited that he was able to go and bless the Betel mission there.

This pic is of a special stucco process where grey/black stucco is applied over white stucco and scribbed off to create the white images - WOW

Thursday, April 24, 2008

ummm... could I breathe - please?

So I am sitting here typing at my desk for the first time in weeks, and I catch myself kinda gasping for breath. I ignored it for a little while - but you know how it is when there is that little irritation that you ignore, and then suddenly it builds up in to a big irritation? This is precisely one of those moments.
and... .ummm. no, for those of you who are wondering if I am just that out of shape that typing (of all things) causes me to gasp for breath.

Actually, it was the basketballs.

But not in the way one would think - I wasn't running up and down the basketball court or shooting hoops -nope, not me had to make it a little different - It was the basketballs that were cut open and had vases poked through them so that I could arrange flowers and grass in them. Basketballs that we were altering to use as centerpieces for an athletic awards banquet. It was the basketballs. Basketballs that are made out of latex.

Last year, I was diagnosed with a number of allergies, the most dangerous one being that I am allergic to latex. Latex is made from the sap of rubber trees and everything seems to be made with it. So today as I'm working on the arrangements and handling these latex laden basketballs (I actually had another designer do the arranging -but I still had to transport to the event location. ) So now, after I have finished all of this, I notice that I fell like I 'm struggling to breathe - apparently, I've delt with this sort of thing for so long, I have to actually stop and think about what I am handling and if it has latex in it. Unfortunately, I don't always think if it in time....

So today was one of those days....

But in case you were wondering - the arrangements we adorable!!! What is it about the artistic mind that is will to sacrifice for art? I know, I know - I really need to get my priorities straight!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Another Reason this is a Special Week

As noted by my sis in her comment on yesterday's post, My wedding aniversary DOES indeed fall into this most very special of weeks - in fact it is today! I share this special week with my sis whose 19th anniversary was yesterday -that's right - you read it right - 19!!! While I am only on my 3rd anniversary I hope to oneday hit that 19th, just like my big sis (love you sis!)

I sit here; reflecting on the past 3 years of my life, and 2 things stand out to me - well maybe a few more than 2 - but these are the top 2 things that I pondered upon waking this morning...

1. These past 3 years have gone by so very quickly!

2. It seems like I have always been married to and lived with my husband. (in a good way)

How is it that I can have such 2 differing viewpoints and feelings?

I reason that the 3 years have passed quickly because it has not been hard to be married to my husband. He makes life fun! And it has been such an easy adjustment to share a home with him. I feel comfortable in our relationship and in his presence. It's hard to remember sometimes what life was like B.H. (Before Hubby)

So to continue with my list of ponderings....

My husband is the most interesting person to talk to - he is a wealth of information (and for those of you who know me - you know how I just go ga-ga of random bits of knowledge)

He enjoys reading as much as I do! Only difference is that he is an avid NON- fiction reader. If you want to know anything about WWII or the history of trains - ask him!

He can hang out with me for hours at an art muesum, and actualy enjoy it!

He hugs me - a lot :)

He is in every way the specific answer to so many of my prayers for a husband. (That's just a whole 'nother post)

He enjoys traveling like I do - so far since we have been married we have been to the Myan Riveria, Hawaii (including Pearl Harbor), Ireland, Sight & Sound Theatre, New York City (to the Betel Mission there - but while there we did see a concert at Carnaige Hall) & Italy (Rome and Venice) and he is going to Prauge for a missons trip! **For those of you who are enjoying my new photo on my header - it is from our honeymoon! **

There is so much more - and I don't have time to write it all! But I LOVE LOVE LOVE my husband and I am thankful every day that God saw fit to bring him into my life.

(Below - some random pics from my wedding)

This one ia a Large cymbidium orchids submerged underwater - with a beta fish!

outside the entrance to the tent for the reception

can you tell how happy I am!!!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

April Showers-

Bring May flowers...Spring is here. and what does Spring also bring? (besides allergy season)
Anyone.... class.... anyone....

April brings with its showers, well showers, Baby and Wedding showers that is. New life, New stages of life and it's exciting because I get to witness it all.

HOWEVER - This week is extra special. This week end marks the beginning -

the official beginning of (can I get a little mood music here?)

The Wedding Season.

Yep it's here. This week in all it's glory.

But it's special because one of my employees is the Bride to be. So what better way to kick off the wedding season than with one of your own being the first Bride of the season. We've had so much wedding talk over the past 9 months, I wonder what we'll talk about after Saturday?

oh, I know, we'll talk about The Wedding, and how gorgeous the flowers were, of course.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Random Arrangements

Thought I 'd share a few more of our lovley creations...
(Centerpiece for a buffet table - for those of you who want to know - its green dendrobium orchids, ameranthus, xanadu leaves and limes )

a Mantel decoration designed to complement the wedding, the room and the painting.

(This one ended up be 1 of the centerpieces for the Desmond Tutu dinner)

Thursday, April 3, 2008

TAG - I'm IT ...X 2

ummm..... Thanks Crystal - I think?

AND Julie.... does one posting count for both?????

I hope so as I'm hard pressed to come up with 7 things BUT here goes -

7 random things about me:

1. I still have my tonsils AND adenoids - from a recent medical article I was reading, I understand that I am one of a very few adults that have made it past 30 (I won't say how far past) with adenoids and tonsils intact and still inside.

2. I am a bonifide air head - at least according to my ENT Dr. who has informed me on several occasions that I have a very large frontal sinus. I have been instructed to 'always wear my seatbelt' lest I'm in an accident, hit my head, and break my frontal bone since there is nothing but air behind it!! (I do always wear my seat belt)

3. I have been informed by my co-workers that I eat way too many sweets (Little do they know that I actually eat a LOT LESS sweets than I used to)

4. I love historically accurate books. I like stepping into the shoes of people in history - to see life through regular eyes and to have an understanding of day to day life in ancient cultures. Which means I enjoy the History channel and the Discovery channel.

5. Just because I wanted to - I took a a senior level history class, even though I was an art major - I wanted to take the class so much that I showed up the first week without registering and had to ask for an over-ride to get in.

6. I like C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien - so much so that I have read the appendix to Lord of the Rings (I can't even count how many times I have read the books) AND have read a lot of the 'histories' and back stories that Tolkien's decendents published. Besides the Chronicles of Narnia - favorite C.S. Lewis book is 'The Great Divorce"

7. Ahhh.... 7 at last! I recently went to Italy and have too many pics to show for it - #1 sight - The Sistine Chapel!! ok - couldn't resit - pic view of Rome -

and Venice....

All my friends have already been tagged - so I will spare you *wink*wink*