Wednesday, October 8, 2008

An Odd Thing...

So earlier today I was at an auction. As I walked to my SUV, I stopped to talk with another shop in my industry. As we were talking, I went to brush my hair out of my eyes because it was rather windy. As I did so my contact popped out. The last I saw of it was it floating away on a gust of wind - never to be seen again.

Trust me, I looked!

So now, Forever engraved in my memory will be the sight of my beloved contact carried out of my reach, dancing on a gust of wind.


Kristen said...

good thing you can wear glasses too!

Carl8ta said...

ha ha - actually, i drove home and put in the contact from my old set. Bummer is that I had just gotten this set about 2 months ago - they are gas perms (as opposed to soft) so normally 1 set lasts me 3 years.

but glasses are goos too :)

pyrotechny said...


Carl8ta said...

yep - I speak with a lisp?!

or maybe I type with a lisp?!!!!!

Beth said...

haha. You poor thing! I hate contacts sometimes! I once lost one jet skiing, and even I tried to look for it in the water.'s a bit hard to locate one in the middle of a lake. :)