This seems to be a reoccuring theme for me lately. Rest durring activity. Hmmmm... for some reason those two words 'rest' & 'activity' don't seem to go hand in hand - they might seem more comfortable across from each other on different ends of a tug-o-war rope. Have you ever felt that way? The feeling of being pulled in 2 seemingly different directions by the need/desire to rest and the activity that you find yourself imersed in? For me this seems to have been a struggle over the past - oh, I don't know - MY WHOLE ADULT LIFE (tee hee hee)
But if I think about it - why not rest in the middle of activity? It's obviously not something I can bring about myself. And somehow I thrive in the middle of activity. I love activity. So how do I obey the command from God to rest when sometimes I'm most at peace when I'm active?
Interestingly enough, our bodies are in constant activity even when we are at rest (and sleeping) Hmmm.... so maybe, God DOES have the ability to grant rest in the middle of Godly activity. Because I know that things done in my own strength just wear me out. But there is something about doing things in God's strength that is just energizing. For example, tonight, I was really, really tired. I had planned on going to a ministry night at church - but I felt too tired and worn out to go. Now from past experience, I KNOW that if I make myself go I'll be blessed. And blessed I was! In fact on my way home I again marveled at a thing that I have noticed about me before - Prayer energizes me. Talking about the Lord energizes me. Being around people who challange me to go deeper into the heart of God energizes me.
As I look back over my life, I can see a distinct difference on the inside of me. I can remember being overly worried and a bit high strung (on the inside). I think I worked really hard at not letting it be seen on the outside. But nowadays, I know there is a peace that only comes from God. A peace that can and does reign in the midst of chaos. So I just love this phrase - 'rest in the middle of activity' it speaks to me that God can and will provide rest and peace for me as I go about the activity of my day. That maybe His word to me of 'slow down' is more of slowing my innerself down. To speak to my soul to be quiet and know that He is God. To stay in that place of rest on the inside even when life demands otherwise.
So today, I will be at rest .... in the middle of work. Today, I will be at rest..... when things appear chaoitic. Today I will be at rest with 2 phones ringing off the hook as we get ready for the Thanksgiving rush. Today I will be at rest.
Today - I WILL be at REST.
Because, Rest is a weapon.
(and that is for another post ;)
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