Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Little Addison Girl

Little Addison Girl, you are growing sooo fast! Mommy can't hardly believe that you are 5 months old. Right now as I type this you are demonstrating your talent for growling :) You are so good at growling, you have 3 -4 different growls. And you smile as you growl! You recently have started eating a little bit of rice cereal in the evenings and you have caught on quick and love to eat your cereal. You can sit for a little bit on your own and are so strong! You are such a cutie and Daddy and I are so blessed to have you in our lives.

1 comment:

Davene said...

Aw, look at her big blue eyes in that last picture - how adorable!

It's so much fun to "see" you with a baby. :) I'm so glad God gave her to you!