Tuesday, August 17, 2010

So Much

So much is spinning around in my head these days... so much. Too much to try and write down. So much that the Lord is speaking to me - calling me to - wooing me to become.

I don't want to say that "I'm busy". Not because I am just sitting around twidling my thumbs, watching TV and eating bon-bons. That is so NOT what I do with my days. But I don't want to get caught up with the idea that I just can't do anything else. I want to SLOOOOOOW down. In fact, the Lord has spoken to me about sloooooowing down a number of times over the years - and somehow, everytime He has said that - my life seems to speed up - what is with that???!!!

But as I was talking to someone I very much respect the other week about something the God has called me to start up. He said to me ' with all the other responsibilites you have ..... you are going to start something else?'

To which I believe that the Holy Spirit responded - even though it came out of my mouth -
"When God calls you to do something, even if you feel/believe that you don't have time, room _____ (fill in the blank), to NOT do it is death." Not a literal death, but something in you dies when you don't fulfill God's calling. Because let's face the truth, whatever God calls you to do, ultimatly brings LIFE. So in moments when Iwant life to slow down, maybe I need to pick up thse things God has said will bring me life - regardless of how crazy it looks from the outside.

So here's to being CRAZY.

1 comment:

Davene said...

I remember a women's ministry leader saying to me when I lived in San Diego, "We can rest when we get to heaven. For now, we're going to be busy; and we're going to be tired."

But at other seasons of my life, I've been called to slow down and rest here on earth, mostly so that my most important priorities don't get lost in the shuffle.

It's a challenging balancing act, it seems; but I agree with you that when God calls us to do something, He will provide the time/strength/energy/resources... even if it does seem crazy!