Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Celebrating the 4th - ummm.... I mean 5th

As providence would have it, my parents annual 4th of July picnic ended up being scheduled for the 5th - Therefore, hubby and I would be able to be back in time our lake trip (see previous post) to join in on the festivities. This was good news since we would have hated to miss the shin-dig AND hubby was on grill duty along with my brother-in-law.

My folks had all kinds of fun lined up for everyone - there was swimming, badminton, bottle launching, food ~ lots of it ~ and last but not least go karts.

My friend Cheryl and I somehow convinced our husbands that they needed to participate in the fun....
(my Hubby communicating how slow he thought the go kart was moving)
Glenn & Matt drag racing...

I'm sure my Hubby bribed someone to take this shot documenting the insistance from the husbands that the wives take a spin in said go karts.


Davene said...

That sure was a fun night!

I'm just sorry I didn't get there in time to see you racing. :)

Cheryl said...

better not let your dad know glenn thought it was too slow, he may just 'soop' it up with some of his gadgets around... :)
fun times! look forward to more!