Friday, July 11, 2008

A Florist's Home...

is not her own. I don't mean because I share it with my husband ~ I mean the way a florist brings the work home with her.

This is what my home has been turned into - a prep and storage area for nicely ironed chair covers. (Yep, you guessed it. Yours truly has been at the ironing board for HOURS pressing chair covers and maybe a few pair of pants in-between while the iron is hot.) So for the next week my home has been invaded by white hangers and chair covers-

All 185 of them.

If you feel the need, say a prayer for my husband who has to put up with this kind of craziness and temporary clutter...

1 comment:

Davene said...

Oh, now there's a glamorous job: ironing chair covers. And I thought all you had to do was arrange exotic flowers beautifully! ;)