Sunday, November 21, 2010

Update on Addison

Finally an update on little girl. She is 15 mos old and she is getting so tall! She curently wears 12-18mos clothing. She walks and runs everywhere and is much more able to give in to her need to dance much easier now. She loves it when I out on her shoes, espically the "clompy" sounding ones as she like to 'tap dance'. When I hold my arms wide and say 'give mama some love' she will stop what she is doing and RUN towards me and THROW (litterly) herself into my arms :) oh how that melts this mama's heart :) :)

Funny story from last week....

While at the dinner table, Addison was done eating and decided that she wanted a drink from my tea glass - after sereval 'drinks' we felt she had had enough, so Glenn, (thinking that she was just facinated with the cup that didn't have a sippy lid) took her sippy cup , took the lid off and handed it to her as it was still just a 1/4 full. She looked at it, then proceeded to put ALL of her uneaten hamburger and green beans into the cup and then she put the top back on the sippy cup and proceeded to drink it!!!!! More than once - she drained the liquid from the cup - Glenn and I practically fell out of our chairs laughing!

That said, Addison has such a great sense of humor. I love it!! Sometimes she will look at me very intently with a serious look on her face and babble a long conversation of baby language. Then she gives me her 'I've just told you a joke look' throws her head back and laughs. I usually join in with her and when we stop laughing, I tell her it was a good joke ;)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Award from The Knot

This year Artistic Florist, Inc. received the following award from The All I can say is wow, what an honor!

The Knot Best Of Weddings 2010

Monday, September 13, 2010

Weddings, Weddings, And still More Weddings

If you thought that wedding season was over - you would be sadly mistaken. Late summer and fall weddings are on the rise in popularity and this fall is no different. I have been well occupied with estimates, contracts and of course making the flower bouquets and arrangements! Here are a few photos form some recent weddings.

Vine styled chair decor (above)that then translated to the table as part of the centerpiece (below).

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

So Much

So much is spinning around in my head these days... so much. Too much to try and write down. So much that the Lord is speaking to me - calling me to - wooing me to become.

I don't want to say that "I'm busy". Not because I am just sitting around twidling my thumbs, watching TV and eating bon-bons. That is so NOT what I do with my days. But I don't want to get caught up with the idea that I just can't do anything else. I want to SLOOOOOOW down. In fact, the Lord has spoken to me about sloooooowing down a number of times over the years - and somehow, everytime He has said that - my life seems to speed up - what is with that???!!!

But as I was talking to someone I very much respect the other week about something the God has called me to start up. He said to me ' with all the other responsibilites you have ..... you are going to start something else?'

To which I believe that the Holy Spirit responded - even though it came out of my mouth -
"When God calls you to do something, even if you feel/believe that you don't have time, room _____ (fill in the blank), to NOT do it is death." Not a literal death, but something in you dies when you don't fulfill God's calling. Because let's face the truth, whatever God calls you to do, ultimatly brings LIFE. So in moments when Iwant life to slow down, maybe I need to pick up thse things God has said will bring me life - regardless of how crazy it looks from the outside.

So here's to being CRAZY.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Almost a year

My really good friend and I decided )spur of the moment no less) to do a photo shoot of our daughters before her second child arrives. It just HAD to be super hot and muggy and both the girls refused to take their afternoon naps. Sounds like a recipe for disaster with a capital "D". Here's a few of the shots - you tell me??!!!
The wash tub is a heirloom from my dad's family. The dress Addie has on is one that was crocheted for my mom was she was a little girl. Needless to say my sister's and I all wore it, my nieces and now my daughter.

I love the laugh that accompanies the face.

Etched in the side of the washtub is my dad's family name ...I love heritage shots!

Monday, July 5, 2010

A June Wedding

Check out this citrus wedding that I did at the bgining of June. Thaks to Jason Michael Photography for capturing such great shots!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

New Pictures :)

.....of something other than Addison. What can I say, I have the cutest little girl ;)
But, contrary to what my blog my communicate, I have still been working at the flower shop. In fact I have been working lot at the shop. Spring has been a busy one with weddings and other flower related things. So I thought I would take a post and share some pictures of the other facet of my life.

Friday, June 18, 2010

It's been a long time...

...since I posted! Great day! It's been since April. In my own defence, our weddng season kicked off this year in April and it has been non-stop ever since. And not just weddings - graduations, proms, funerals, parties, oh, and did I mention proms??! I am so thankful for the business, but it sure will be nice to have a little break here soon.

Addison is growing so fast! She had her first ever ear infection (first ever being sick too!) But Dr. Z checked her ears onThursday and said everythng looked great, all clear. Since my last post she has offically learned to crawl. She discovered on Wednesday that she could climb the stairs - not just one or two but ALL of them :) Much fun for mommy. So with this new mobility, I moved my desk/laptop set up upstaris to remove the ever so enticing cords away from little fingers. So now I have the joys of re-organizing everything. Not my strong suit. I could re-decorate a whole house, design a wedding in less time than it takes me to organize my desk . Addison continues to amaze us every day with her budding personality and love of books and all things detail! She does seem to have some of her daddy in her as she likes to not only pull her blocks out but she loves putting them BACK IN the basket! (I certinly hope she keeps this trait! )

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


So I'm a little behind in posting Easter photos....Addison was more interested in the grass and daffies then in looking at the camera. Oh well, at least I got a great picture of her hair bow :)

Monday, March 22, 2010


I used to know what that was... but I'm guessing every new parent thinks that way :)

Addison amazes me with her ability to NOT sleep and yet be a happy baby. The past several weeks, I have been thankful if she slept for 2 hours straight! She has been in the habit of waking up every hour on the hour through the night. And this made for one. tired. mommy.

BUT, thankfully this week she started sleeping for 7 to 8 hrs. In a row. Without waking. YAY!!!

And if it is possible - she is even HAPPIER than normal! I am so thankful for such a happy little girl - her joy is so contagious!

this little red jumper is on loan from my sister - it was one that was bought for her when she was a baby and her 2 girls wore it. It is so neat to see my little girl in this dress!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Old is New

This cute cute cute dress that Addison is wearing is a dress that I wore as a baby that my mom saved. We just had to take pics of her in it because there are pics of me in this dress.
If I remember correctly, a friend of the family hand smocked this dress, which makes it even more special :) I was surprised at how nicely the style looked on Addison - super cute!!!!

And the girl has so so so many expressions, I just HAD to post more than one pic :) And if you are wondering about the precious hairband/bow my friend Crystal made that for Addison. The coolest thing is that the bow is on a clip that can be changed out to different colors, flowers etc. (Thanks Crystal - it has added the perfect touch to so many of her outfits and I'll have to show you the photographers pics with the white bow and blue feather :)