Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Another Reason this is a Special Week

As noted by my sis in her comment on yesterday's post, My wedding aniversary DOES indeed fall into this most very special of weeks - in fact it is today! I share this special week with my sis whose 19th anniversary was yesterday -that's right - you read it right - 19!!! While I am only on my 3rd anniversary I hope to oneday hit that 19th, just like my big sis (love you sis!)

I sit here; reflecting on the past 3 years of my life, and 2 things stand out to me - well maybe a few more than 2 - but these are the top 2 things that I pondered upon waking this morning...

1. These past 3 years have gone by so very quickly!

2. It seems like I have always been married to and lived with my husband. (in a good way)

How is it that I can have such 2 differing viewpoints and feelings?

I reason that the 3 years have passed quickly because it has not been hard to be married to my husband. He makes life fun! And it has been such an easy adjustment to share a home with him. I feel comfortable in our relationship and in his presence. It's hard to remember sometimes what life was like B.H. (Before Hubby)

So to continue with my list of ponderings....

My husband is the most interesting person to talk to - he is a wealth of information (and for those of you who know me - you know how I just go ga-ga of random bits of knowledge)

He enjoys reading as much as I do! Only difference is that he is an avid NON- fiction reader. If you want to know anything about WWII or the history of trains - ask him!

He can hang out with me for hours at an art muesum, and actualy enjoy it!

He hugs me - a lot :)

He is in every way the specific answer to so many of my prayers for a husband. (That's just a whole 'nother post)

He enjoys traveling like I do - so far since we have been married we have been to the Myan Riveria, Hawaii (including Pearl Harbor), Ireland, Sight & Sound Theatre, New York City (to the Betel Mission there - but while there we did see a concert at Carnaige Hall) & Italy (Rome and Venice) and he is going to Prauge for a missons trip! **For those of you who are enjoying my new photo on my header - it is from our honeymoon! **

There is so much more - and I don't have time to write it all! But I LOVE LOVE LOVE my husband and I am thankful every day that God saw fit to bring him into my life.

(Below - some random pics from my wedding)

This one ia a Large cymbidium orchids submerged underwater - with a beta fish!

outside the entrance to the tent for the reception

can you tell how happy I am!!!


Davene said...

Happy anniversary!!! I love the parents had showed me a few pics from your wedding, and even then I thought it was so beautiful and unique. I think so even more now! :)

pyrotechny said...

Happy day sissy!

Kristy said...

Happy Anniversary, Carla! Wow, hard to believe that has been 3 years ago! Time is so funny. I totally know what you mean about feeling like you just got married, but also feeling like you can't remember what is was like before being married....our minds are tricky! Blessings to you and your hubby and on your marriage. You two are an awesome pair!

Cheryl said...

as mentioned in your previous post, but this one seems more appropriate place to comment, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!, hopes for more travels, more adventures, more love, and more GOOD STUFF! :)

Karla said...

Happy anniversary. Thanks for sharing pictures of the wedding. The pictures are beautiful and you do look like a bride in all her glory and happiness.

Christin said...

HI!!!! Welcome to blogworld. (apparently, I'm a LOT late. *wink*)

I completely agree...the years with my hub have FLOWN by. HOW does it happen?!

Happy Anniversary, Carla and Glenn!