I can hardly believe it - next week is JULY. I mean where did June go - not to mention May????
I remember when, as a young child, of hearing people say how fast time goes by. Needless to say, I thought they were all entirely crazy - I mean, come on people, do you have any idea of how long the school year is - and how long it takes Christmas to get here - or summer? or my Birthday!!!???
Sadly, I believe that I have crossed over -
crossed over into the midset of how quickly time does indeed pass. I have become one of those adults who comments "my haven't you grown!!" to most young children that I know. And who talks about how fast time is passing.
So, yes, it IS July next week - and I plan to take time over the 4th to STOP and ENJOY and RELAX and maybe smell a few roses.
I too have crossed over. I sound like an old person. :)
Speaking of smelling roses, here's a random question: what flower do you most like to smell?
ha ha - good question. I'm pretty much de-sensitized to most flower smells, however I do love the smell of gardenias and stephonitis (it's a type of jasmine) - BUT they don't like me :(
As much as I love their fragrance I have allergic reactions to them.
Thanks for the answer! An allergic flower lady, hmm... :)
YEP, that's right. You're old.
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