Pardon me for a moment as I give way to ranting...
Why is it that when you need to call tech support for your computer, that what ever the problem is, it takes FOREVER to get it fixed???!!!
Case in point. I have a POS system at work that is a florist specific program capable of wiring out flowers to other stores, processing credit cards and a bunch of other stuff specific to the floral industry. For the past couple of months we seemed to be have a small 'glitch' of sorts. Knowing I needed to call tech support, but sensing that this problem was going to take awhile, I put it off until I had a good chunk of time to spend on hold and waiting while a tech worked on my system.
Well, yesterday was THE DAY. As I picked up the phone to call, I commented to my fellow workers that I would be awhile.
Little did I know that 'a little while' would turn into 3+ hours (and only about 30minutes was spent on hold) the rest of the time was me watching the 3 different tech people log into my pc and try to figure out what in the world was going on with the program.
Now two of the tech people asked me how long this had been going on - I explained that I had been on the phone already for over 2 hours and the problem wasn't fixed and that I had not had a 2 hour block of time to sit on the phone.
Now I am sure you are asking yourself, 'well why didn't you use a head set so that you could do other things while waiting?' rest assured, I was. But every time (I kid you not) every time I walked away form the computer - the tech decided that was the moment that he/she had a question and/or that I needed to be at the computer to see if something had printed off.
Don't get me wrong - I like computers - they make my life easier(most of the time) and the tech people I work with are great. It's just that I am convinced that my presence somehow interferes with a computer's abiltiy to run properly.
Maybe it's the pollen that is always on my finger tips?
wait, that's it!
My computer is allergic to flowers. I wonder if it could get injections too, to help with it's allergies.
Ah, sometimes we just need to rant! And I know what you mean about computers--wonderful, but frustrating, beasts. How would we live without them though? ;)
I do remember those days...Rob at tech support and I got to know each other...almost Christmas card well...I actually do know EXACTLY what you are talking about...maybe it's because I spent several days doing the same thing, on the same computer. ahhh memories...if I wasn't watching kids so much I'd even come in and call for you...maybe one day. (hey, is it a bad thing that I STILL remember the code - and does that mean that I called enough?) hehe
I feel your pain, my friend. Oh, the countless minutes I've spent on hold only to spend a few more hours being juggled between techs, trying to unravel technical issues despite language barriers. So much fun. ;-)
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