Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Joys

So the other night my husband and I were in a neighboring town to drop some items by a friend's really cool downtown store. While there my husband asks our friend.....

"So where's a good place to take a pregnant woman out to eat?"

It took our friend a moment, but then he was able to come up with a few suggestions.

So, in case you are wondering....

Yep, we are looking forward to welcoming an addition to our lives.


Elizabeth said...

Ahhh!! Cool!! What an awesome Christmas gift!! Congratulations!!

Jo Ann said...

Oh my goodness! Congratulations!

Davene said...

Wow!!!!! How wonderful!!! I'm thrilled for you. :)

Christin said...

WOO-HOO!! Here's to a little Yoder!!

Like I've always said (even before God brought Glenn into your life *grin*), you will be THE cutest preggie lady!!!

Jolanthe said...

And I can't wait!! :) So very exciting!! (for you too, I'm sure!!)

Blackwell said...

Yiippeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!! How exciting!!!

pyrotechny said...

............I think I'm going to enjoy THIS! Whoo hoo!

Kristy said...

Yay! I finally see it on here! :) So happy for you and Glenn. What a blessing! Its fun seeing you on this journey. You are going to be some kind of great mama!

Brittany said...

I am so excited we are going to be belly buddy neighbors, too! How much fun is this going to be?!

Congrats again! We are so thrilled for you and Glenn!

Beth said...

I too, like Christin, think you will be just the cutest. I can't wait to see your little belly popping out.
I just love all this baby news. It makes this mama grin!

Karla said...

Congratulations Carla and Glen!! I'm so excited for you both. I pray good health and strength for the upcoming times... and Happy New Year...

Cheryl said...

OK... so i don't get in blogdom very often... but just wanted to post and say 'hear - hear', 'ditto', and all that jazz! we are busting over here in landisville. can't wait! love you guys!

Kristen said...

Yes, we will get together...already e-mailed my I'll answer Glen's question...The best place to take a pregnant person to eat...well, it depends on the hour, minute and second of the day...this could also change part way to where you are going, so get good at U-turns...hehe