Saturday, February 7, 2009

Factor this...

At a recent Dr's appointment with my midwife, I got the results of recent bloodwork. I was looking forward to finding out my blood type - Now I don't know why I never knew my blood type, I guess I didn't think to ask.

Imagine my surprise when chatting with the midwife, she casually mentions that I'm RH- . HUH? Did I know that? Ummm, nope. But ok, so I'm A-.

As she launches into the explanation of how a negative Rh factor is handled, in the back of my mind I find myself saying "ok Lord, that's something that you'll just have to take of for me" and immediately, any uneasiness and worry went right out of me. Thanks Lord.

So yes, there are things I need to be aware of and watchful for - and other than additional shots later in the pregnancy and after delivery - no big deal. And after the past year and a half of lots of shots for allergy therapy (which is 4 shots at a time that are painful!) This will be nothing.

I joked with my husband that at least if someone were going to be Rh-, at least it was me since I don't mind shots anymore.


Davene said...

I'm A- just like you so I get the "joy" of extra shots, too. Sounds like you're a pro at it though!

pyrotechny said...

So was our Grandmother..who was a mother in the days BEFORE shots...

And here I thought you'd gripe about an A- instead of an A+

Brittany said...

Wow, I am surprised you didn't know your blood type! I've heard it's no big deal you just have to get a shot so the baby is fine. :-) (I am A+, so does that make be better? Hahahaha!!!)

There will be a few times during the pregnancy and delivery that you'll have to remind yourself that it will all be worth it in the end. And it is SO worth it! I am so excited you to experience it firsthand. There are no words to describe what being a mother is like. You'll love it!