Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Can I just say how happy I am the it is now JUNE! Finally, I feel like I can relax and enjoy being pregnant! Not that I have enjoyed thus far, but I do feel like so many other things (mainly work) has been taking up so much of my mental energy that I haven't had yime for much else. So it is with great anticipation that I have looked forward to June. And now that it is here, it's hard for me to believe that it IS June. Now, to focus on what we are going to name this Baby Girl of ours - everyone keeps asking about the name. And well, no name yet - not that we haven't tried - just nothing has stuck. I keep saying that we'll have a name eventually - at least before we leave the hospital! *ha ha ha*

I have some cool pictures to post soon of some really amazing weddings we did this past month and maybe a belly shot or two ;)


Davene said...

Ah, the name game! I can totally relate. :)

I'm glad you're enjoying this exciting stage of your pregnancy!

Christin said...

Do you still want to borrow that book? I have it...waiting for you. You know, if I ever see you.

don't respond I'll never see it. ;)