Tuesday, April 8, 2008

April Showers-

Bring May flowers...Spring is here. and what does Spring also bring? (besides allergy season)
Anyone.... class.... anyone....

April brings with its showers, well showers, Baby and Wedding showers that is. New life, New stages of life and it's exciting because I get to witness it all.

HOWEVER - This week is extra special. This week end marks the beginning -

the official beginning of (can I get a little mood music here?)

The Wedding Season.

Yep it's here. This week in all it's glory.

But it's special because one of my employees is the Bride to be. So what better way to kick off the wedding season than with one of your own being the first Bride of the season. We've had so much wedding talk over the past 9 months, I wonder what we'll talk about after Saturday?

oh, I know, we'll talk about The Wedding, and how gorgeous the flowers were, of course.


Davene said...

Is "The Wedding Season" like "Tax Season" for an accountant? My brother David's wife Lori became a tax season widow when he was working in public accounting...does your hubby become a wedding season widower? :)

Carl8ta said...

Davene - yes & yes - of sorts (tee hee hee) actually, if he wants to see his wife, he has to work for his wife on the weekends... So wedding season affects our weekends

pyrotechny said...

and I "think" your wedding is somewhere in this official start week too...hmmmmm TODAY???!

Cheryl said...

Yup speaking of weddindg season... HAPPY ANNIVERSARY today!