Thursday, April 3, 2008

TAG - I'm IT ...X 2

ummm..... Thanks Crystal - I think?

AND Julie.... does one posting count for both?????

I hope so as I'm hard pressed to come up with 7 things BUT here goes -

7 random things about me:

1. I still have my tonsils AND adenoids - from a recent medical article I was reading, I understand that I am one of a very few adults that have made it past 30 (I won't say how far past) with adenoids and tonsils intact and still inside.

2. I am a bonifide air head - at least according to my ENT Dr. who has informed me on several occasions that I have a very large frontal sinus. I have been instructed to 'always wear my seatbelt' lest I'm in an accident, hit my head, and break my frontal bone since there is nothing but air behind it!! (I do always wear my seat belt)

3. I have been informed by my co-workers that I eat way too many sweets (Little do they know that I actually eat a LOT LESS sweets than I used to)

4. I love historically accurate books. I like stepping into the shoes of people in history - to see life through regular eyes and to have an understanding of day to day life in ancient cultures. Which means I enjoy the History channel and the Discovery channel.

5. Just because I wanted to - I took a a senior level history class, even though I was an art major - I wanted to take the class so much that I showed up the first week without registering and had to ask for an over-ride to get in.

6. I like C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien - so much so that I have read the appendix to Lord of the Rings (I can't even count how many times I have read the books) AND have read a lot of the 'histories' and back stories that Tolkien's decendents published. Besides the Chronicles of Narnia - favorite C.S. Lewis book is 'The Great Divorce"

7. Ahhh.... 7 at last! I recently went to Italy and have too many pics to show for it - #1 sight - The Sistine Chapel!! ok - couldn't resit - pic view of Rome -

and Venice....

All my friends have already been tagged - so I will spare you *wink*wink*


Kristy said...

Yay, Carla!! So fun to see you finally came to blogland. I just ready all your posts and am looking forward to more!! Loved your random facts...and Love that pic of Venice...absolutely beautiful. Oh, loved the "guitar flower arrangement". HOw creative you are. :)

Davene said...

Great pics of Italy! I'd love to go there someday...for the food! Oh, yeah, for the art and history and other stuff, too... :)

I too have my tonsils and adenoids intact. I didn't realize we're such rare creatures! :)

Karla said...

Hi "tall Carla" :) The pics are fun. I love the guitar with the daisy strap. And the pics of Rome are gorgeous

Cheryl said...

So, how hard was that to pick which Italy pictures to post?! :)

loved the random facts...
Interesting... #1 and #2 are me too... now that may even be more random... of course, my sinus cavity may not be as large as yours :)... i've only been told "WOW... you have some big sinuses..."... um thanks, i think!

anyways! keep postin!