Tuesday, March 31, 2009


23 weeks and whoa - where did that tummy come from!!!

Seriously, in less than a week I believe I doubled in size! Even my neice said to me on Sunday, "Sissie, your tummy has gotten bigger since the last time I saw you!" Yep, indeed it has. I had a feeling baby was going through a growth spurt :)

But I have the best husband, who whenever I comment on the expanding tummy he responds:

"But it's suppose too - there's a baby in there!"

Ah, how nice. Some days I just need to hear that - Thanks lovie for the reminder that it is all for a purpose :)


Kristen said...

picture...we want a picture!! I know you have a very good camera and oh, a whole bunch of people at work at could snap a shot...:)

Davene said...

I agree with Kristen! We need proof. :)

Blackwell said...

Seeing you this morning at church... I want to tell you how beautiful your little belly is!!! It always amazes me that theres a little person growing inside!! What a miracle!!!