Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Wow, tomorrow I am 20 weeks pregnant! It's hard to believe - the time has gone by soooo fast. And when I look at my calender, I know this last half will go just a quick!

I am finally staring to show a belly and not just look fat - I am sure those of you who have multiple children are thinking 'are you crazy!' Maybe I am, just a little (wink). But in all honesty, I want to enjoy every facet of being pregnant. I want to enjoy the baby belly, the maternity clothes, the way food consumes more of my thinking, the way I feel little pulls or tugs that remind me that, yes, I am pregnant!

I am looking forward to having my first ultrasound next week and I am so excited to finally "see" this little one. I feel like it will help this reality to settle in. Since becoming pregnant, I have only seen the midwives twice and the nurse educator once - so the idea has seemed a little abstract up until these last couple of weeks when the belly decided to make it's appearance :) I am sure as this pregnancy continues, it will become more and more real to me...in fact I may have felt the baby move... but I just guessing at this point :)


Brittany said...

Isn't it just the neatest experience?! And wait until the baby really starts to move it's the most wonderful feeling in the world!! Surreal, but exciting!!

Christin said...

I'm betting you DID feel that little bitty! WOOHOO!!

After all these pregnancies, I still love getting the preggie belly...transitioning into that stage where people can look at you and KNOW that you are pregnant. Love it.

And I'm thinking you're right...it will truly SINK IN that you are a mommy when you see that little "guy" moving around inside you.

I'm so excited for you two

Crystal said...

Yay! You felt the baby (I'm sure of it)! Isn't it fun? Looking forward to seeing that cute tummy. :)

Brittany said...

I forgot to ask...who got the final decision of whether or not you are finding out the baby's sex - you or Glenn? I know you'd probably keep it a secret, but I was just wondering! :-)

Blackwell said...

Carla.. my favorite part of being pregnant is the baby belly, the maternityi clothes, and the way food consumes ALL of my thinking.. hee hee hee.. Enjoy every moment! It will go by fast!!!
I can't wait to hear about your ultrasound!!!!!

Cheryl said...

Wow, 20 weeks! I know what you mean about people KNOWing you are pregnant and not just wondering if you've put on some weight! hehehehe...
Show that belly off!
I'm excited to see some ultrasound pictures!