Thursday, July 30, 2009

Not Yet

So little girl has decided to take after her mommy and be fashionably late :) I'm not really all that bothered. I've got some things I'd like to do this weekend, so if she wants to wait until nest week I'm fine with that. Since opening my shop 13 years ago - I've learned to take each day as it comes - and most importantly - I've learned that things don't always go according to MY shcedule. I've learned to go with flow of the day - if I have plans, well, they are subject to change at a given moment, a given phone call. So I've adopted the same attitude with the arrival of Baby Girl. I took the due date 'under advisement' and haven't focused too much on THE day. In fact it was rather fun last night, when at Target, I ran into 4 ladies, 3 of which were prgnant and some had just fould out if they were having a boy or girl. When they asked my due date - to which I replied it's today! They just couldn't believe I was out and about on my due date! I just thought it was funny!!!

So here I am, working on a wedding, waiting for baby and focusing on enjoying the last few days of 'togetherness' that Bay Girl and I have :)

Happy Thursday to you all!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

For those who are wondering...

still pregnant... no baby yet

Thursday, July 23, 2009


So recently I have been feeling VERY blessed. I've posted before about the blessings my friends and family have heaped on me with wonderful gifts for Baby Girl. But I wanted to take a moment to recognize some random blessings I have received:

One being a brand new Sony 19" flat panel TV that won from Costco! Wow - was I ever surprised. I remember sitting thanking - Lord, it would be really nice if I won that TV - next thing I knew, they were calling my name as the winner! Wow - thanks Lord ;)

Another being this:

A beautiful bassinett for the living room. Someone that my husband knows insisted that we take the bassinet that she was done with...this was so, so beyond anything I could have imagined when my husband had told me about it.

And for those of you who would like to see the latest tummy...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Week 39

Here it is week 39 (well as of Wednesday the 22nd) and baby and I are just hanging out:)

Today was exciting as I received my new cloth diapers - in quite the array of colors! Just another item that brings me one step closer to being ready for baby girl.

I also saw my midwife. Good news is baby is in a great position, blood pressure is good, weight is good - basically everything looks perfect. Yea! that makes this momma to be very happy. Right now as I type this, she is just moving around, and moving around and moving around some more - it's gotten to be quite distracting but I'm trying to soak up and enjoy every minute of it as I know that my time of feeling her move inside of me is drawing to a close. And while that is a little sad - I'm so, so looking forward to meeting this little girl!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Baby's Room

So Ta-Da, here it is - the baby's room! I snapped a few quick pics. This is one corner of the room that has the antique rocking chair that I'll be using in the middle of the nite ;) The pictures on the wall are a Victorian costume painting/sketch that I did in college, a poster print of a Da Vinci sketch of Mary, baby Jesus, Elizabeth and John that I got at a the musem in England where I saw the original and the 3rd is an antique mother/daughter print.Wall hanging, antique chair and dried flowers...I just love the texture in the wall hangingDresser that used to be in my mom's room when she was a teenager (it was in my room too as a teen)

I love this little shelf - the figurine is a music box & the little purse was a wedding gift...

This is a one-of-a-kind handcrafted stained glass mobile that one of my employees made for Baby Girl. It is the neatest thing! She makes jewelry and stained glass windows I just love it!!!

Here's the handmade cradle that was made for Glenn and his siblings with the Baby Girl's new quilt displayed on the wall and her collection of stuffed animals on the floor beside it!

The matching diaper stacker ...

And no your eyes do not deceive you - the walls are 2 different colors! Two of the walls are a light grey and the opposite 2 walls are a sage green...another shot of the stained glass, cradle and quilt & another antique Victorian print

Current changing table with a view and the satin & sheer sage curtains.

So I guess we're ready now to just add Baby Girl:) I'll be 39 weeks on Wednesday!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

38 Weeks Today

.... wow .... only 2 +/- weeks to go :)

I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be ...

Thursday, July 9, 2009

37 Weeks

Wow - 37 weeks!!!! The reality hit me a little bit more on Sunday that I'm not always going to be pregnant. I know that sounds silly - oh, course I won't always be pregnant. But I don't know if it's because this pregnancy has gone so fast or if I have just been accepting everything as it comes but it is like I have just come to completely accept the round figure I'm sporting and the amazing movments I feel everyday of Baby Girl moving as just a part of every day life. But on Sunday, Glenn and I went and took the Family Birthplace tour - now being a florist, I have been on the maternity floor numerous times - but I had not spent any time in the delivery rooms - especially with a labor and delivery nurse showing you all the options they had available for delivery. Somewhere in my mind the thought occurred to me - I AM going to have this baby - and sooner rather than later! I'm due in 3 weeks!!! yikes!

Most people recently have been asking how I'm doing - and honestly, except for my ankles and feet bearing a strong resemblance to an elephant's.... I feel great! I'm a little uncomfortable when I have been sitting for awhile and then stand up - it's like baby has to reposition herself from me sitting to me standing. But overall, I still feel good! Hopefully, I'll get a chance to snap a photo this week to add to this post :)